Visceral obesity: causes and solutions
What is visceral fat and what can we do about it? What are the associated pathologies? Insulin resistance is undoubtedly the most frequent cause
What is visceral fat and what can we do about it? What are the associated pathologies? Insulin resistance is undoubtedly the most frequent cause
What is insulin resistance? Insulin resistance is a metabolic condition caused by
I want to explain fat phobia Fat phobia
There are many questions, doubts, fears about the risks
I want to talk to you about ovulation and the importance of ovulation beyond reproduction, but
PCOS and hypothalamic amenorrhea What happens in PCOS: is it more
Contraceptive pill and ovulation The pill is only 60 years old,
Very often in the evening I prepare velouté.
Estrogens are a group of hormones produced mainly by the
An estrogen imbalance can manifest with symptoms of excess