The goal of the Soft MAP-diet masterclass is to, if you will, reset your metabolism, get you into a daily routine of consistent movement, and get you to lose up to 3-4 kilograms during this four-week course we will spend together.
This masterclass is undoubtedly an absolutely vertical program. Why vertical? Because it has nothing to do with the principles I normally spread about the low carb diet. With the Soft MAP diet you will learn to stick to meals, you will learn to listen to yourself, you will not have hunger pangs. It will be simple to follow, not at all challenging or stressful from a culinary standpoint. The simplicity of the macronutrients will allow you to achieve your goal: to deflate, to lose weight and, most importantly, to feel great, the real stars of your health!
You can follow the Soft Map Diet protocol anywhere:
At home, on the road, on vacation, this type of nutrition has simple, readily available ingredients that allow you to conveniently follow it wherever you are.